Unique and Vibrant Consoles & Sofa Tables
Add character to your living room or entryway with a console or sofa table from Room Tonic. These furniture pieces serve many different purposes. The main difference between a console and a sofa table is that console tables have a standard height around 33” whereas sofa tables are lower in height so they can be placed behind your sofa or settee.

Can sofa tables be higher than sofa?
Sofa tables should be no taller than the height the sofa back. As for size, sofa tables can be anywhere from half the length to nearly the full length of the sofa (making sure to allow at least 6 inches from either end).
What is the average height of a console table?
Today, they are typically 30 to 36 inches high and feature wide, shallow tops—they're usually square or rectangular, but demi-lunes are an elegant alternative. Because of its unobtrusive presence, console tables are perfect for narrow spaces like entryways and hallways.
Sofa table heights
The average sofa table height is 30 inches, though designs can range anywhere from 28 inches to 32 inches in height. Because they are often placed at the back of a sofa, console tables are designed to be high enough to make it easy to reach for objects – and low enough so that they won’t ‘stick out’ over the edge from behind a sofa.
Placement of console and sofa tables
Console tables are traditionally placed against walls as in foyers or hallways. Sofa tables are traditionally placed behind sofas as in living rooms, family rooms and libraries. Traditionally consoles had two legs and were attached to the wall, but these days most stand on their own with legs or a base of some sort. They tend to be more dramatic and less practical. Sofa tables are frequently practical and have storage space. They may be lower in height because they are to sit behind the sofa and not really project above it.